Learn Devon aspires to deliver an outstanding (Ofsted Grade 1) learning experience for all those who access the provision. Grade 2 (Good) was achieved September 2023.
Learn Devon is committed to a process of continuous improvement, engaging all staff, learners, and other stakeholders appropriately in monitoring, evaluating, and improving performance in the service standards and setting targets for enhanced delivery. The Service will be proactive in this engagement and will plan for and provide a variety of opportunities to obtain feedback on performance and proposals for development and change.
For all our learners, the expectation is that through learning they can progress towards their individual goals. To do this effectively, individuals require effective information, advice, and guidance throughout their journey together with excellent teaching and learning support that meets their needs following a journey that places minimal barriers in their way.
Key Performance Measures
- Learner Outcomes
- Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- Self-assessment activities
1. Learner Outcomes
Learn Devon’s overall success rate target is 2% above the previous years’ actual performance. Where confident data is available, success to meet or exceeds National benchmarks.
Service targets are set annually by the Senior Management Team and recorded in the Curriculum Strategy. These targets include:
- Participation – number of enrolments counted by ethnicity, age range, learning difficulty and disability, guided learning hours, deprivation wards
- Retention, achievement, and success of learners – measured against National Benchmarks or Performance Indicators set by Learn Devon, as applicable
- Progression – as a result of participating in the learning, do learners move onto their next steps?
* Learn Devon sets Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement and Progression (RARPA), levels of performance for non-accredited provision based on the previous year’s performance plus 2%, or if performance has fallen below the target set, a target to regain the position.
- Progress with success rates is reported in the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) and actions planned through the QIP
- In-year analysis at the programme level using MIS reports resulting in termly reports to SMT highlighting retention, success, achievement, and attendance rates for completed and continuing courses. Records to be complete with follow up of any missing / incomplete data
- Programmes showing 3-year trends of missing targets will be considered for discontinuation
- Strategic targeting of hard-to-reach groups will attract lower targets by agreement.
Learn Devon recognises the importance of learner involvement to improve the quality of our delivery, and strives to:
- Develop programmes to meet local needs
- Improve the service’s capacity to recruit and engage with learners
- Improve retention and success rates
- Review feedback from learners through the Learner Voice information gathered and adapt our practices as appropriate.(Learner Voice Strategy)
2. Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
All teaching staff will be asked to self-assess their performance annually, using the criteria set out in the Professional Standards for Teachers or similar for HLLSAs. In addition, Curriculum Officers will carry out quality monitoring visits with tutors and of a sample of courses regularly, following themes identified through the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP).Observations of teaching, learning and assessment (OTLA) will be undertaken for all teaching staff, but will prioritise new staff, staff delivering a new programme or in a new curriculum area, and where performance issues may have been raised by their line managers or by learner feedback. Interventions such as CPD or peer support are set out depending on the outcome of the observation, including a capability procedure as detailed in the OTLA Handbook.
3. Quality of Information, advice, and guidance
Matrix accreditation was gained in June 2024 and the standards continue to be met. Learn Devon has an experienced Learning Advisory /CIAG team located throughout the county providing learner advice and support. (See Learner Support Policy)
Learners and potential learners receive information on courses and progression opportunities which can include provision from other providers. At enrolment, all learners are asked whether they have any additional needs or disabilities and are given the opportunity to discuss what level of support they require to enable them to be successful. Should a previously unrecognised additional need be identified during the course the tutor can access the SENCO for advice and support. Throughout the course and on completion learners receive advice and guidance on next steps
- Learner surveys
- Use of Individual Learning Plan (ILP) by teaching staff to monitor progress
- Use of intended destination data and learner feedback to monitor progression routes.
4. Self-Assessment
Self-assessment is a continuous process throughout the year culminating in a Self-assessment Report and Quality Improvement Plan. All staff are expected to contribute to this process as part of their role and through providing relevant reports and information gathered through the academic year.
There are two principal standards used – Education Inspection Framework (EIF) – this assessment process, externally validated by Ofsted, is used to focus on the learner experience. It is supported by peer review making termly judgements against the standards based on an evidence-based approach. Matrix Standards – this assessment process, focusses on the quality of advice and guidance received. It is supported by external review (annual Matrix assessment) based on an evidence-based approach.
Updated September 2024