Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity Celebration Week logoTo show our support to the range of learners and abilities who attend our courses, Learn Devon is promoting Neurodiversity Celebration Week (18th – 24th March 2024).

What is Neurodiversity Celebration Week about?

Neurodiversity Celebration Week (NCW) is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. Forms of neurodiversity can include:

– Autism
– Dyscalculia
– Dyslexia
– Dyspraxia

Neurodiversity Celebration Week seeks to recognise how people can think differently and recognise their contributions. To learn more about NCW, see their website here.

How can Learn Devon support you?

At Learn Devon, we seek to support all learners as they move towards their goals – this may be gaining a new skill or qualification, working towards employment or just trying out something new.

If you have any particular learning needs, we have a team working across the county for those needing advice or extra support. Our SENCo and Learning Advisors are on hand to advise learners about the right course for them, help learners enrol on our courses and can continue supporting them throughout their learning journey alongside our Higher-Level Learning Support Assistants in our classrooms.

Any learner can request support.

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