Almost 100 new free skills training courses launched

Train4Tomorrow offering thousands of adults across Devon and Cornwall the opportunity to learn new skills with almost 100 free Skills Bootcamp courses now on offer.

Train4Tomorrow Skills Bootcamps has 2,000 places available for adults across the region who want to ‘upskill’, change careers or explore new opportunities.

The latest wave of Train4Tomorrow Skills Bootcamps, delivered by us in partnership with Cornwall Council, directly responds to local skills need in priority sectors such as childcare, hospitality, healthcare and an increased focus on renewables.

For the first time, Skills Bootcamps in Early Years are now available, with 120 places available to fast-track individuals wanting to work in this sector and progress onto an accelerated level 3 Early Years Educator Apprenticeships. These Skills Bootcamps will support the growing demand for childcare provision.

The tutor-led Skills Bootcamps are flexible courses lasting from 2 to16 weeks, giving adults (aged 19+) the opportunity to build in-demand skills. The programme focusses on filling skills gaps within the local economy, with input from employers into the design and implementation to ensure all training aligns to their specific skills need.

The programme is free for individuals looking to change career, for the self-employed who are looking to develop skills to transform and grow their business, and to enable those currently not working to gain skills which will help them enter the workplace.

For employers wishing to upskill their staff, a contribution to the course cost is required, 10 per cent for Small Medium Enterprises and 30 per cent for larger businesses.

And for those looking to move into new employment, an interview offer with an employer is guaranteed on completion of the Skills Bootcamp.

Working with 20+ providers, Train4Tomorrow has almost 100 Skills Bootcamps on offer across the region until March 2025.

To find out more about Skills Bootcamps in Devon and Cornwall visit the train4tomorrow website.

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