Maths Multiply

Do you struggle with using maths in everyday situations? If you answered ‘Yes’, then Maths Multiply is for you.

A lack of confidence with numbers can mean you find it difficult to budget, feel stressed about managing your money, struggle to progress at work or worry about helping your children with their homework.

We can help. Maths Multiply have short courses that will boost your maths skills. Having a good understanding of basic maths can be incredibly helpful in day-to-day life from paying bills and calculating food costs to supporting your child with their homework. Feeling confident with maths is important in daily life at home and at work.

Learn Devon is offering free courses for anyone to join. During each course, our friendly tutor will help you to use basic maths skills in everyday situations. You will be able to learn about measuring at home and work, multiplication and division, how to get the best out of your calculator and much more.

Explore our courses below – and stop letting numbers hold you back.

Funded by GOV logo

Browse our maths courses

Multiply is the government’s new £560 million programme to help improve adult numeracy. The programme will transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of adults across the UK by developing their maths and numeracy skills.

Started in the spring of 2022, Multiply is delivered through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.


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To find out more about Multiply, contact our team and they will be able to provide you with more detail.

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