Enabling employment for those with disabilities
Learn Devon is celebrating the success of one of its recent projects: Ability not Disability.
What is the Ability not Disability project?
The Ability not Disability (AnD) project aims to support individuals with complex learning needs and disabilities into work.
Working with partner organisations, Learn Devon supported individuals into places of employment that suited their needs. The type of work secured has been varied from working in a graphic design shop, an outdoor instructor at an activity camp to an administrative assistant within Devon County Council. Throughout the course of the project, 25 disabled people have now found employment and a further 35 have gone on to additional training and education.
The project provided support and guidance for individuals as they looked for work. Alongside this, the project also trained and helped employers to take on those with disabilities as employees.
These individuals will now have greater purpose, society benefits from their contribution, they have their own independent income and they will have an increased social network through their work.
Project successes
- 25 people now in employment, including self-employment
- 7 people gaining a qualification following support
- 35 people in education or training following on from our support
- 135 people engaged in life skills support following interventions
About the project
Started in January 2022, the project enabled Learn Devon to partner with a number of organisations and training providers across Devon: Devon County Council’s Reaching for Independence (RFI) team, The Be Ready Employer Hub, Petroc College and Cosmic.
The Ability not Disability project was funded by the UK Community Renewal Fund (UKCRF).